Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And When the Cold Sets In, Stay Inside and Watch Movies, part 1

So it's been a weird, dead year for movies. Part of this is due to the Writer's Strike and the fact that studios simply rushed movies out with scripts that perhaps could have used a bit more work. Anyway, it's Fall turning into Winter now, which means Oscar rollout season. Funny enough, there's a ton of junk coming out soon, with only a small handful of films that I'm looking forward.

One of those is David Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. Adapted from a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the film deals with Benjamin Button, born an old child, who grows younger as time passes, and his encounters with Blanchett's Daisy. Fincher shot this New Orleans-set tale around his great Zodiac, which was released two years ago roughly.

I'm also really looking forward to Wendy and Lucy, Kelly Reichardt's follow-up to Old Joy. This stars a wandering and financially struggling Michelle Williams, who struggles through the most basic financial setbacks in a poor town.

Nacho Vilagondo's much-buzzed aboutTimecrimes (see earlier post for trailer) is finally seeing the light of day. Hopefully it reaches our city and we're able to catch it on the big screen before David Cronenberg's remake.

Another that I've already talked about is Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke as a washed-up pro wrestler and his almost-girlfriend/over-the-hill stripper Marisa Tomei.

There are a few more to talk about...soon.
