Monday, November 17, 2008

Awesomeness on the way

It seemed like things were getting a little quiet in the future releases, which might be partly due to the Writer's Strike that went on for a while, which led to studios simply accepting whatever scripts they could to push them into production, which is just now leading to the release of even shittier Hollywood products than normal. But how much of that do we really give a shit about at Citizen Video? (Not much.) So here is some news on some American independent and Foreign titles to keep an eye out for.

First is Stingray Sam, Cory McAbee's quasi-sequel follow-up to his great debut, The American Astronaut, a Citizen favorite.

Here's a weird little movie out of Winnipeg, Heart of Karl, about a man and his brother, who happens to be a monster.

Red, starring Brian Cox, among others, didn't get much attention theatrically, but the trailer looks mighty nice.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some out of the way indie news first:

Dagur Kari, writer/director of the much-loved Noi Albinoi, has his first English-language film, starring Brian Cox and Paul Dano, entitled The Good Heart, and some pics and info have popped up.

Here's a nice trailer for a Russian film Morfiy, very Lynchian.

This looks pretty great, a Japanese trailer for a British psychological horror by the name of The Broken.
